Repas de famille


This is the story of two couples that have nothing in common, Bernard and Bernadette, owners of a well driven mechanic shop, and Bruno et Huguette (Bernadette’s sister), two lefties teachers that are barely able to make ends meet.
It’s time for the usual Sunday’s family supper, or in this family the lamb leg day… While waiting on the roosting of the lamb, and in between fights, moral lessons and no regard for each other’s private life, we will come to understand that in fact their existential arguments easily relate with ours.
At the end, and even if they do not realize it and if they do it around a lamb’s leg, these characters talk about life, love, death.

Technical informations

Director : Pierre-Henry Salfati

Scriptwriters : Eric Carriere and Pierre-Henry Salfati

Casting : Eric Carrier ,Francis Ginibre
Noelle Perna, Lorella Cravotta, Lamine Lezghad, Yves Pujol, Joel Cantona, Christian Mazzuchine, David Faure, Ludivine Manca

Producers : In Production

Budget : 2,8 M€
